Why a Database Reactivation Campaign Can Jumpstart New Revenue for Your Business Fast

by | Oct 18, 2022 | Blog, Database Reactivation, Digital Marketing, Inbound Marketing

Why a Database Reactivation Campaign Can Jumpstart New Revenue for Your Business Fast | Mixed Media Ventures

A database reactivation campaign is a great way to jumpstart new business for your company. By reaching out to past customers and clients, you can remind them of your products or services and encourage them to do business with you again. Database reactivation campaigns can be highly effective, but they need to be done carefully in order to avoid annoying or offending your contacts.

Why Run a Database Reactivation Campaign

  1. They’re highly targeted. When you reactivate your database, you’re targeting people who have already shown an interest in your product or service. This means that they’re more likely to convert into paying customers than people who have never heard of your company before.
  2. They’re cost-effective. Database reactivation campaigns are one of the most cost-effective marketing tools available. This is because you’re only targeting people who are already familiar with your brand.
  3. They provide an immediate return on investment. Unlike some marketing campaigns which can take months or even years to generate a return, database reactivation campaigns provide an immediate ROI. This is because you’re able to quickly and easily identify the people who are interested in doing business with you.

How to Run a Successful Database Reactivation Campaign

There are a few key things you’ll need to do to run a successful database reactivation campaign. First, you’ll need to segment your lapsed customers into groups. This will allow you to tailor your message and offer to each group in a way that’s most likely to resonate. Second, you’ll need to develop a compelling offer that will entice lapsed customers to come back and give your business another try.

Finally, you’ll need to make sure your campaign is properly executed so that it reaches the right people at the right time.

Quick Case Study #1 – Roofing Company

For instance with one roofing company in New Jersey, we helped them offer $1,000 off any $10,000 or more service to their existing database of 3,800(ish) prospects they previously provided estimates to, and former customers…  It didn’t matter if it was a roof replacement, window replacement job, or a siding replacement job.  In the rough 90-day term of the database reactivation campaign, they generated $438,000 in new estimates, reactivated old estimates, and sold $198,000 in new installations (in 90 days).  It was a very successful campaign, and we’ll be running another one with them in a couple of months.

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Quick Case Study #2 – Yoga and Pilates Studio

In another instance, we helped a Yoga Studio in Washington DC to exit the pandemic with a special offer to get more students back into her studio.  This was a new introductory offer by texting the existing customer base and sending them to a landing page to buy.  It was frictionless, the Yoga Studio sold 115 introductory offers generating almost $7,000 in upfront revenue, and then upsold those customers to new memberships as their introductory month ended.  What we did not do in this offer is degrade the service by offering a free week, free two weeks or free month of yoga, we got the customer to pay for it, providing some up-front financial relief from the Covid-19 pandemic, and help generate back-end monthly recurring revenue to help sustain growth as well.

You can see a quick testimonial video on this page: https://yoga.mysalespilot.com/

In both cases we help manage this campaign and guide the business owners helping them focus on closing new business and growing their companies.

Incidentally, we’re about to launch a new 6 week promotion for them in the coming days with the same goals: to generate up front frictionless revenue that provides high value, and upsell the prospective monthly member to a membership program that works for them.

Planning Your Campaign

The first step in planning your database reactivation campaign is to segment your contact list.

You’ll want to make sure you’re only reach out to people who are likely to be interested in what you have to offer. There’s no point in trying to sell a new car to someone who just bought one, for example. You’ll also want to segment your list by the type of product or service you’re selling. This will ensure that your message is relevant to each contact.

Next, you’ll need to craft your message.

This is where most businesses make their biggest mistake; they try to sell their product or service in their email or direct mail message. But people don’t want to be sold to; they want useful information that will help them solve a problem or improve their life in some way. Make sure your message provides value and you’ll be much more likely to get a positive response.

Finally, you’ll need to choose the right method for delivering your message.

Email is often the best choice, as it’s relatively cheap and easy to implement. We prefer to use SMS today, as all the recipients know who you are, and we can offer a short personal message that generates high interest quickly for you.

However, direct mail can also be effective, especially if you personalize your message with a handwritten note. Whichever method you choose, make sure you test it before sending it out to your entire list. Send a small batch of messages using different variations of your offer and see which ones get the best results. Then, use those results to fine-tune your campaign before launching it on a larger scale.

Watch a Brief Demonstration of a Database Reactivation Setup





Reactivating past customers and prospects can be hugely beneficial for your business—but only if it’s done correctly. By carefully planning your campaign, segmenting your contact list, and crafting a valuable message, you’ll be well on your way to success. And don’t forget to test different versions of your offer before going all-in; it could mean the difference between a home run and an epic fail.

If you are interested how Mixed Media Ventures can help you to craft and execute a Database Reactivation Campaign, feel free to reach out to us using this form here.


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